300 Writing Prompts # 3: What Would You Buy Even If The Price Doubled?

Write about something you would still buy if it cost twice as much as it costs today.

There is something I’ve been hiding from my readers and some of my family and friends for a while now and this is just the question to finally bring everything out into the open. No more secrets, no more hiding.

I have an addiction. In the beginning it was under control. Everything was in moderation. I couldn’t go out and buy it myself, so I had to rely on others. I would wait until my mom went to bed and take a little off the top. Same thing at my friends houses. It was a careful and controlled addiction. But as soon as I got my first job, my own car, the whole thing just blew out of control. Soon I was on the hunt 2 or 3 times a week. In between classes, on my break at work. Tony, the guy down the street at the gas station would help me out sometimes too. He knew I didn’t need fuel and would let me know when fresh stuff would drop so I could get my pick before the others got their hands all over it. Sure it would cost me double, but it was close by and would work in a pinch. 1%, 2%, whole, it doesn’t matter. When I need a fix, that’s all I can think about.  I’ll drink whatever I can get my hands on (except skim…I’ve not hit rock bottom yet).

My name is Jennifer, and I’m addicted to milk. (Hi Jennifer).

In all seriousness I would pay double, even triple for this white gold, this nectar of the Gods. They say the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, mine is through the cows utter. Ok, too far. Just take my word for it, I love milk.  I’m so deep in this dairy dilemma that I can’t even tell you how much a gallon of milk is. I NEVER look at the price. I check the date and the color of the cap, put in my cart and run to the check out as fast as possible. It’s that serious.

So, I dare you to raise the price. I’ll still be here with my super strong bones and special milk cup and straw.

What is something you would pay twice as much for?

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Published by Jennifer Shidler

I am a Hoosier at heart who has moved to the heart of Texas with my husband Matthew, our cats Rowdy & Mosby and our dogs Lucy & Wrigley. Matthew is a Chief Flight instructor at a flight school in Austin and I care for my mother full time and write random thoughts and posts in between. I started writing this blog as a way to keep people back home updated on our lives here in Texas, and has turned into a way to relax, think and to make others laugh!

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